An Interest in Homesteading Leads to Farming
Gabriel didn’t initially think of becoming a farmer. The idea came to him while he researched his interest in homesteading and self-sufficiency. After seeing YouTube videos and reading stories online about students in the new CAFF Farm School program, he realized that he could go beyond just growing food to feed himself and his family. He could learn to farm for profit as a business.As Gabriel learned more about homesteading and sufficiency, he became increasingly interested in growing his food. Then he ran across the CAFF Farm School and was excited to discover a program in the NWA region teaching people to farm on small pieces of land, one to ten acres, and make a living from it. That’s when things clicked that he could expand his goal to feed others too.
Gabriel researched the CAFF Farm School more, and the stories on the website about students in the program spoke to him. His only hesitation in signing up was that he had never liked school in the past. “It doesn’t feel like school, though,” he says, “I love
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