Marshallese Farmer Educates Community About Diabetes and Provides Food

Marshallese Farmer Educates Community About Diabetes and Provides Food

Lucy, a Springdale resident, is on a mission to combat these alarming statistics through nutrition and farming. Rather than selling her harvest, Lucy donates it to her local Marshallese community. She also shares pre-diabetic information, cooking tips, and farming knowledge. The farming tips are helpful since the RMI growing environment is very different from Arkansas. This presents a challenge for those trying to grow their native crops here and prepare familiar dishes after relocating. The Marshallese community in Arkansas has the disease at a shockingly higher rate of 40% compared to only 15% in the state’s general population.

Idealistic Apprentice Gets Real About Farming

Idealistic Apprentice Gets Real About Farming

Paul says he used to be idealistic about farming, with an initial interest in plants and ecology. He also strongly desired to be a “producer” in the world, rather than a “consumer”. Sustainable agriculture offered a pathway to pursue both of these interests.

Paul applied for an apprenticeship through CAFF and has just completed his second year at Dripping Springs Garden. “The first year, I came in with this idealism, thinking that I would quickly learn everything I needed to know,” he chuckles, “It turns out, there’s a lot to know.”