Marshallese Farmer Educates Community About Diabetes and Provides Food

Marshallese Farmer Educates Community About Diabetes and Provides Food

Lucy, a Springdale resident, is on a mission to combat these alarming statistics through nutrition and farming. Rather than selling her harvest, Lucy donates it to her local Marshallese community. She also shares pre-diabetic information, cooking tips, and farming knowledge. The farming tips are helpful since the RMI growing environment is very different from Arkansas. This presents a challenge for those trying to grow their native crops here and prepare familiar dishes after relocating. The Marshallese community in Arkansas has the disease at a shockingly higher rate of 40% compared to only 15% in the state’s general population.

Idealistic Apprentice Gets Real About Farming

Idealistic Apprentice Gets Real About Farming

Paul says he used to be idealistic about farming, with an initial interest in plants and ecology. He also strongly desired to be a “producer” in the world, rather than a “consumer”. Sustainable agriculture offered a pathway to pursue both of these interests.

Paul applied for an apprenticeship through CAFF and has just completed his second year at Dripping Springs Garden. “The first year, I came in with this idealism, thinking that I would quickly learn everything I needed to know,” he chuckles, “It turns out, there’s a lot to know.”

Fourth Generation Arkansas Farmer Learns New Methods in CAFF Program

Fourth Generation Arkansas Farmer Learns New Methods in CAFF Program

Chelsea is originally from Northwest Arkansas and grew up on a family farm. So, why apply for a farm apprenticeship program? The motivation began with her love and respect for nature. She was bothered by some changes she saw on the farm. There was bare ground in the pasture from overgrazing. The garden soil had compacted from years of tractor use. Observing these prompted an interest in learning regenerative farming methods to restore and nurture the soil. She wanted to play a more active role in improving the farmland and surrounding environment. Before enrolling in the CAFF Farm Apprenticeship Program, she was a Clinical Laboratory Scientist, working for nearly a decade in a medical lab. Chelsea was placed at the Heifer Ranch Center for Regenerative Agriculture for her apprenticeship. It’s located on 1200 acres in Perryville, Arkansas. The working ranch is a research, education, training, and demonstration site for regenerative farming.

Pandemic Urban Garden Launches a Farming Dream

Pandemic Urban Garden Launches a Farming Dream

After thirteen years of working as a nightclub deejay in Dallas, Jonathan discovered he wanted to farm. That drastic change in life direction isn’t quite the hairpin turn that it seems. Like many people, the 2020 pandemic hit Jonathan’s deejay career hard. During the lockdown, he started a small raised bed garden in his backyard. That’s where this story really begins.

Hobby Farm Interest Leads to Farm Apprenticeship

Hobby Farm Interest Leads to Farm Apprenticeship

The CAFF program matched Jeffrey with an apprenticeship opportunity at Appel Farms in Springdale. Jeffrey likes that he stays busy and has learned a lot. He thinks he still has more to learn. One of his favorite things about farming is that every day is different, even if he’s doing the same things.

An Artist from New York Learns to Farm in Arkansas

An Artist from New York Learns to Farm in Arkansas

How does an artist in New York City end up as an apprentice on a farm in Arkansas? For Emilia, it began with inspiration from her grandfather’s backyard garden. Later, a friend who stayed at an intentional community inspired her to pursue a desire to get back to what she considered the “source’ of life and have a closer relationship with soil and food. She wanted to provide nourishment for herself and others.