Beginning Farmer Classes

CAFF is excited to offer all our Beginning Farmer Classes online through the University of Arkansas System, Division of Agriculture System learning portal!

You now have immediate access to all of our courses at any time!

Course Details

Three courses:

  • Farm Startup
  • Sustainable Farm Business
  • Sustainable Specialty Crop

5-7 presentations in each course.

Choose & pay for only the course you want.

Progress at your own pace.

Course Cost & Access

$40 per Course

How to access classes

  1. Click the button below to access the UADA learning portal.
  2. Select public login.
  3. Create an account or log in.
  4. Search for CAFF in the portal search window.
  5. Select your course!

See the full course list below or access the courses now!

Online Course Include

Farm Startup:

  1. Farm Business Planning
  2. Design Your Farm Layout
  3. Funding Your Farm
  4. Packshed Design and Food Safety
  5. Market Gardening 101: Get Growing
  6. Exploring Markets

Sustainable Farm Business:

  1. Farm Finances
  2. Farm Business Planning
  3. Social Media Marketing
  4. Keys to Farm Income
  5. Recordkeeping and Farm Finances
  6. Market Gardening 101: Lean Farm
  7. Maintaining Momentum


Sustainable Specialty Crop Production:

  1. Soil Health
  2. Recordkeeping for Success
  3. Sustainable Pest Management
  4. Production Practices for Success
  5. Season Extension
  6. CSA Spotlight

Presentations for these classes were selected from CAFF’s Beginning Farmer series from 2020 to 2024.  These classes draw on real life experiences of successful farmers and experienced technical experts from  Cooperative Extension, NRCS, NCAT and others.  The topics in these series are essential to starting and managing your small specialty crops (vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs) farm.

If you have any questions about these topics, please email us at


Heather Friedrich
Fayetteville, AR