Partnerships are key to success at the Center for Akansas Farms and Food. We partner with several organizations, business and farmers in Arkansas to create and deliver impactful programs. Some of these partners are linked below.

Arkansas Food Innovation Center. AFIC is a sister program to the CAFF. AFIC helps bring your food concept to market with its developing food entrepreneurship program, focusing on business skills and product development. As an Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station program, clients have access to faculty and researcher expertise. Look for exciting things to happen at AFIC in the future!

National Center for Appropriate Technology. NCAT is leader in sustainable agriculture, providing information to thousands of farmers across the country. Our local Fayetteville office has played a key role in developing our curriculum and teaching beginning farmers.

National Agricultural Law Center. A unit of the U of A System Division of Agriculture, the NALC is the nation’s leading source for agricultural and food law research and information. And because they are located in Fayetteville they are our go-to source for agricultural law information, curriculum and delivery.
University of Arkansas System Partners:
- U of A System Division of Agriculture Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station
- U of A System Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service
- University of Arkansas – Fayetteville
- Department of Horticulture
- Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness
- Department of Food Science
- Walton College of Business
- Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences
- Center for Agricultural and Rural Sustainability
- NWA Farm Link

Some of our regional partners include: