
There are few grant programs that directly fund farmers but these resources contain information on how you can access funds through various cost-sharing or lending programs.

financing and funding notes

Guide to Federal Programs– A guide to USDA sustainable farming programs breaking down federal programs and how to use them. 

Ambrook– Has an excellent Funding Library, and an extensive database of national and local funding programs. Filter for Arkansas programs.

USDA Farm Services Agency(FSA)– Various low-interest loan rates for purchasing farmland, operating expenses, and storage expenses. Offices in nearly every county in Arkansas. Use their Farm Loan DiscoveryTool to find which loans might suit you.

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service(NRCS)– Provides cost-share to various conservation and production practices, including high tunnels and organic certification. Offices are often co-located with FSA and are found in nearly every county in AR.

Farm CreditYoung, Beginning, and Small Farmers (YBSF) program– To qualify as YBSF, you must meet 2 out of 3 requirements: <36 years of age, <10yrs farm experience, or <$250,000 in annual sales. The borrower must meet the basic lending requirements, but the program helps pay a portion of some types of loan fees; appraisal, origination fees, and some guarantee fees with FSA loans.  There is not a minimum acreage requirement for loans.

KIVA – Nonprofit, international organization that provides microloans to businesses for up to $15,000 and 0% interest.  Hubs are located in NWA and Little Rock.

NWA KIVA  – Hub through Startup Junkie

LR KIVA – Hub through Conductor and Rural LISC (Rural Local Initiatives Support Corporation).

FORGE – Community loan fund.  Provides capital and business development services to help individuals start and grow successful small businesses. Lower barriers to funding than traditional loans.

Southern SARE– makes grants to farmers through their On-farm Research and Producer Grant programs.